Rômullo, a resident of Brazil, has been a front-end developer for over three years. His expertise encompasses JavaScript, React, TypeScript, Jest for unit testing, GraphQL, Apollo Client, Sass, and Styled Components, among other technologies. He is nearing the completion of a bachelor's degree in Information Systems, expected by the first semester of 2023.
His recent professional experience involves contributing to an online shop for a computer game at a Canadian company, operating in an English-speaking environment. The project required frequent interface changes and implementation of new features to showcase digital assets during promotions and events within the game. Previously, he was engaged at a Brazilian startup, where he developed the primary interfaces for an online trading platform focused on the energy market. This platform enabled real-time transactions, trade history monitoring, and financial detail tracking.
As a mid-level developer, his current objective is to enhance his technical skills, aiming to lead front-end projects and tackle the most complex aspects. Additionally, he aspires to refine his soft skills to become a dependable senior developer capable of problem-solving and providing team support when needed.