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Alaor S.
Principal Engineer

Ruby On Rails
Cascading Style Sheets

Passionate about the development of robust and scalable software solutions, dedicated to the ongoing pursuit of knowledge and innovation, and committed to maintaining a leading edge in emerging technologies. Professional growth is pursued through a strong belief in collaborative learning and the recognition of valuable insights from colleagues, approached with an open mind.

Extensive experience encompasses a diverse range of technologies. Proficiency in backend languages includes Node.js, PHP, and Ruby, with adept use of frameworks such as AdonisJS, Laravel, and Ruby on Rails. Front-end skills are honed through the use of React and Angular, complemented by experience in hybrid app development frameworks like Ionic and Flutter. Expertise is further demonstrated through hands-on experience with AWS services, including RDS, S3, EC2, and SQS, as well as integration with third-party services such as payment gateways, banks, invoices, freight, and CRM systems.

Dedication to excellence underpins all efforts, striving not only to meet but to exceed expectations.

  • Full Stack Developer
    10/1/2017 - 4/1/2020

    Developed proficiency in hybrid web development with a focus on modern web frameworks and tools, including PHP, Doctrine, and Silex. Gained extensive experience working with front-end technologies such as Ext JS 4.2, NodeJS, and Vue.js. Demonstrated strong database management skills with PostgreSQL and MongoDB. Ensured collaborative and efficient code maintenance practices utilizing version control systems like SVN and Git. This role emphasized the integration of back-end and front-end development to create seamless hybrid web applications, showcasing technical expertise and proficiency in diverse web technologies and frameworks.

  • Office Administrative Assistant
    4/1/2016 - 8/1/2016

    Developed advanced technical expertise in multiple programming languages and frameworks, including proficiency in PHP and extensive work using Ext JS 4.2, NodeJS, and Vue.js. Demonstrated strong database management skills with both PostgreSQL and MongoDB. Ensured effective collaboration and code maintenance through the use of SVN and Git.

    Contributed to designing and implementing scalable web applications, employing Modern JavaScript frameworks efficiently. Engaged in back-end development with PHP, ensuring robust application performance and security. Leveraged Ext JS 4.2 for rich user interfaces and NodeJS for server-side scripting, enhancing overall system responsiveness.

    Implemented database solutions with PostgreSQL and MongoDB, focusing on data integrity, performance optimization, and sophisticated query handling. Maintained seamless project workflow through version control systems such as SVN and Git, facilitating team coordination and reducing software discrepancies.

    In the realm of system design and deployment, showcased the ability to configure and manage hosting environments, ensuring high availability and low downtime. Adopted best practices for coding, testing, and deployment, leading to smooth integration and maintenance of applications. Enhanced user experience and interface design by integrating dynamic functionalities using the latest JavaScript frameworks, setting a high standard for front-end performance and aesthetics.

  • Web Developer
    7/1/2015 - 3/1/2016

    Led the development and deployment of web applications using Angular, React, and Vue.js. Acquired in-depth expertise in backend technologies such as Node.js, Express, and Python Django. Utilized MongoDB and MySQL for efficient data management and retrieval. Implemented RESTful APIs and GraphQL to facilitate seamless data exchange between client-side and server-side applications. Employed Docker and Kubernetes for containerization and orchestration of microservices. Ensured high code quality through continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD) pipelines using Jenkins and GitLab CI. Leveraged AWS services, including EC2, S3, and Lambda, to enhance application scalability and reliability. Demonstrated proficiency in automated testing frameworks like Jest, Mocha, and Selenium to ensure robust software performance. Promoted collaborative development and code reviews using Git and Bitbucket.

  • Computer Engineering at Pontifical Catholic University of Goiás
    2014 - 2019

Alaor is available for hire

Meet Alaor S.
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