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Alon M.
Full-stack Product Engineer


With seven years of experience in web development, expertise spans across Node.js, Nest.js, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, React, Next.js, Redux, and artificial intelligence. Career highlights include the creation of ISurvey, a content management system that engaged over 60,000 users, and the addition of localization features to the Liquid+ website, a React application serving more than 110,000 users. Developed a scalable authentication microservice and designed AI bots to automate documentation generation and user inquiries.

  • Backend Developer
    6/1/2021 - Present

    Developed robust backend solutions using NestJS and TypeORM, showcasing advanced skills in building scalable and maintainable server-side applications. Leveraged Firebase for seamless integration of cloud storage, real-time databases, and authentication services, which enhanced application performance and user experience. Proved capability in designing and implementing RESTful APIs and managing persistent data with TypeORM. Demonstrated expertise in server-side programming, cloud services, and database management.

  • Technical Advisor
    6/2/2020 - Present

    Developed advanced proficiency in Node.js, Angular, Vue, and MongoDB. Assisted in data analysis tasks leveraging Python. Led the development of a dynamic form creation platform using Angular. Spearheaded the creation of automated tests for REST services utilizing Mocha. Directed the documentation process of REST APIs with Swagger. Created comprehensive data visualizations employing JavaScript libraries such as Charts.js, D3, and Plotly.

  • Technical Assistant - IT
    6/2/2018 - 5/2/2020

    Maintained and optimized a legacy system built in Java, ensuring robust performance and reliability. Developed and implemented various web systems utilizing Angular for front-end development and Node.js for back-end processes. Effectively managed and optimized databases with MongoDB, ensuring data integrity and efficient retrieval. Demonstrated capability in both front-end and back-end technologies, contributing to seamless integration and functionality across platforms.

  • Internship - Computer Engineering
    9/2/2016 - 5/2/2018

    Gained significant experience in the development of administrative systems, leveraging Angular and Node.js for efficient and scalable solutions. Contributed to the ongoing maintenance and data analysis processes, ensuring the integrity and performance of applications through regular updates and evaluations. Also participated in web design activities, employing modern design principles and user experience strategies to create intuitive and visually appealing interfaces.

  • Computer Engineering at University of Brasília
    2013 - 2019

  • AI and Big Data at University of São Paulo
    2021 - 2022

Alon is available for hire

Meet Alon M.
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