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Weidersonmendes Q.
Full-stack Product Engineer

Microsoft Sql Server
Oracle Database
Microsoft Azure

Specialized in infrastructure, customer support, SCADA systems, proprietary electrical energy systems, and commissioning of substations and hydroelectric plants. Extensive experience in installing proprietary software for energy meters. Possesses seven years of experience in developing corporate applications on the .NET platform. Key projects include the development of systems for the Secretaria de Estado de Casa Civil de Minas Gerais, facilitating information transactions between the government and the legislative assembly, and integrated processing systems for government acts. Additionally skilled in human resources systems development, with notable contributions to the Litispendency Portal System and Litispendency API for PGE-BA. Maintained APIs and specific views for banking systems, particularly for banking institutions.

  • Systems Analyst
    4/1/2022 - 10/1/2023

    Developed a robust API and a corporate portal specifically designed for litigation purposes using the .NET framework and .NET Core. Leveraged JWT for secure authentication mechanisms. Demonstrated technical expertise in creating efficient and scalable solutions. Employed various involved technologies and best practices to ensure system reliability and performance. Achieved a seamless integration of front-end and back-end components, optimizing user experience and operational efficiency.

  • Systems Analyst
    1/1/2015 - Present

    Gained extensive experience in developing corporate applications, covering all phases from feasibility analysis and requirements analysis to design, programming, data modeling, testing, and deployment. Developed technical expertise in UML, Visual Studio (2010, 2013, 2017, 2019), C#, object-oriented programming, web services, Web API, WebForms, MVC3, HTML5, JavaScript, jQuery, Ajax, Bootstrap, Razor, and Domain-Driven Design (DDD) Architecture. Applied advanced programming techniques using repository patterns, LINQ, and Lambda expressions. Proficient in working with SQL Server, Oracle databases, stored procedures, views, and digital signatures. Managed IIS application configuration and server virtualization, and oversaw hosting and version control using TFS, CVS, and Git. Facilitated team collaboration throughout various projects.

    Key projects included the development of the Complaints System for the General Controllership, Government Secretariat Course Systems, New Newspaper System, and New SIAPLE System, which involved detailed requirements gathering. Additionally, maintained critical systems such as the SIAPLE Legislative Processing System, the SIPA (System of Acts) for the Government, and the News Agency System.

  • .NET Developer
    1/1/2014 - 12/31/2014

    Gained extensive experience in developing corporate applications using the .NET MVC framework. Demonstrated advanced proficiency in JQuery and Ajax, focusing on applications aimed at employee training and human resource management systems.

  • Software Technician
    1/1/2007 - 12/31/2013

    Participated in TAF/commissioning processes for substations and PCHs, ensuring system and equipment interoperability. Developed solid experience in database analysis and the creation of screens for the SCADA system (xOMNI). Implemented the proprietary system SCD, integrating Linux Platform, PostgreSQL, UCM, and Tomcat. Performed parametrization and mapping of the Modbus protocol. Developed and applied training for users of proprietary systems at both operational and technical levels. Demonstrated advanced knowledge in Linux systems, Shell Script programming, and maintenance in Java systems, alongside proficiency in remote access, SSH, and virtualization. Managed the installation of proprietary servers.

  • Information Technology at Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais / Estácio
    2010 - 2016

Weidersonmendes is available for hire

Meet Weidersonmendes Q.
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