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C++/CLI is a language standard developed by Microsoft that allows programmers to blend native C++ code with managed code from languages like C# or Visual Basic .NET. It serves as a bridge between native C++ applications and the .NET framework, enabling developers to combine the benefits of both native and managed environments within a single project. The syntax extensions provided by C++/CLI make it easier for developers to migrate legacy applications written in native C++ to a .NET environment, enhancing interoperability and flexibility within projects.

C++/CLI offers unique features that set it apart from traditional C++ or other .NET languages. One of its key features is the ability to mix native C++ code with managed code seamlessly, allowing developers to combine the performance benefits of native applications with the capabilities of the .NET framework. This interoperability is facilitated by syntax extensions in C++/CLI, which enable developers to work with different types of code within a single project. Additionally, competitors such as using Platform Invocation Services (P/Invoke) or COM Interop require more complex bridging techniques compared to the integrated approach offered by C++/CLI.

The main competitive differences of C++/CLI lie in its specific focus on enabling seamless integration of native C++ code with managed code in the .NET environment without relying heavily on additional interoperability features like P/Invoke or COM Interop. This direct support for mixing native and managed components enhances interlanguage communication and eases migration processes for legacy applications, preserving existing performance advantages while modernizing development practices with access to contemporary tools and libraries provided by the .NET framework.

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