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Datastax is a data management company that provides a distributed cloud database built on Apache Cassandra. It offers scalable, high-performance data storage and management solutions, enabling enterprises to handle large volumes of data across multiple locations and ensure high availability and fault tolerance.

Howdy Network Rank#95
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About Datastax

Datastax was founded in 2010 to commercialize and enhance Apache Cassandra, an open-source distributed database. It aimed to provide enterprises with a robust, scalable solution for managing large volumes of data across multiple locations.

Strengths of Datastax include high scalability, fault tolerance, and strong support for distributed data management. Weaknesses involve complexity in setup and maintenance, and potentially high costs. Competitors include Amazon DynamoDB, Google Cloud Spanner, and Microsoft Azure Cosmos DB.

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How to hire a Datastax expert

A Datastax expert must have strong proficiency in Apache Cassandra, knowledge of data modeling and distributed database architecture, experience with CQL (Cassandra Query Language), familiarity with cloud platforms, and skills in performance tuning and troubleshooting distributed systems.

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