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Haggis is a domain-specific programming language developed by Sony Interactive Entertainment to facilitate game development on the PlayStation 4. It works in tandem with the PhyreEngine framework, prioritizing efficiency and speed on PS4 hardware. This enables developers to design intricate game mechanics and logic, capitalizing on the console's capabilities for high-performance gaming experiences.

Sony created Haggis specifically to address the unique needs of PS4 game development. The language allows seamless integration with C++ code, which is commonly used alongside Haggis in game projects. This compatibility facilitates smoother development processes by leveraging existing code bases and libraries while ensuring optimal performance tailored for the PS4 hardware.

In comparison to other industry tools like Unreal Engine's Blueprints system and Unity3D's Bolt, which offer versatile visual scripting solutions across multiple platforms, Haggis stands out due to its exclusive focus on PlayStation 4 optimization. By offering specialized support within the PhyreEngine framework and enhancing integration with C++ code, Haggis provides a streamlined approach for developing complex and immersive games specifically designed for PS4 users.

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