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Jakarta Standard Tag Library

The Jakarta Standard Tag Library (JSTL) is a suite of tags and functions designed to simplify JavaServer Pages (JSP) development by eliminating the need to embed Java code within the pages. Created by the Apache Software Foundation as part of the Jakarta project, JSTL promotes cleaner separation between presentation and business logic in web applications. It offers standardized tags for essential tasks such as iteration, conditional logic, XML manipulation, handling locale-sensitive issues, and direct database interaction through its SQL tag extension library.

In terms of features, JSTL provides a core library for basic scripting elements that allow developers to perform common tasks without using scriptlets. Its XML library supports manipulation within JSP pages, while its internationalization library manages locale-sensitive matters. The SQL tag extension library facilitates direct database interactions from JSP files. These features underscore JSTL's emphasis on maintaining clean separation of concerns and promoting reusable tag libraries over embedding raw Java code directly into JSP pages.

Main competitors include other frameworks like Apache Struts tag libraries and Spring tag libraries, which offer similar functionalities but differ in community support and specific advantages. Despite these alternatives, JSTL stands out due to its strong integration with the Java EE platform and widespread industry adoption. By offering standardized tags for crucial tasks and minimizing reliance on scriptlets, JSTL aids developers in creating maintainable web applications with a focus on clean presentation-business logic separation. This integration ensures compatibility with various Java web frameworks while benefiting from robust community support, making it a favored tool among developers aiming for modern scalability in their web projects.

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