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Amazon Web Services' Simple Storage Service (S3) offers a secure, scalable cloud-based platform for storing and retrieving data through the internet using "buckets." Launched in 2006, S3 provides features like high durability, availability of stored data, seamless scalability, encryption, access control, and a pay-as-you-go pricing model. It is widely used for various applications including backup, archiving, analytics, and disaster recovery. Google’s Simple Scalable Scripting aims to streamline web application development using familiar technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The original object-oriented system developed with Smalltalk at Xerox PARC by Alan Kay in 1970 was designed to explore new concepts in object-oriented programming and user interface design.

Each platform has unique features that cater to different needs: Amazon's S3 offers extensive data storage capabilities with high durability and integration with other AWS services; Google's Simple Scalable Scripting enables rapid web application development via its cloud-based computing framework; Smalltalk from Xerox PARC introduced groundbreaking concepts like message passing and live programming environments that have influenced modern computing systems. Despite their differences in functionality and purpose—storage solutions versus development platforms versus programming paradigms—they all contribute significantly to their respective fields by providing innovative tools that address specific technical requirements.

These platforms face competition within their domains but maintain a competitive edge due to their distinctive offerings. Amazon's S3 competes with other cloud storage providers like Microsoft Azure Blob Storage while distinguishing itself through comprehensive features tailored for various use cases. Google's Simple Scalable Scripting contends with other cloud-based development environments such as Microsoft Azure App Service but stands out because of its ease of deployment and integration with Google Cloud Platform services. The original Smalltalk system doesn't have direct competitors from its era but has profoundly influenced subsequent object-oriented programming languages and methodologies shaping modern software design principles. Each solution serves a particular audience including developers seeking rapid prototyping tools or researchers exploring advanced programming techniques.

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