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Tibero, developed by TmaxSoft, is a relational database management system that offers enterprise-level data processing and management capabilities. Its standout feature is compatibility with Oracle Database, which allows many Oracle-created applications to run without modification on Tibero. This compatibility can help organizations reduce licensing costs while maintaining current operations and code bases. Additionally, Tibero includes tools for backup, recovery, security, auditing, and database administration functions.

In the competitive landscape of relational database management systems (RDBMS), Tibero faces rivals such as Oracle Database, Microsoft SQL Server, IBM Db2, and PostgreSQL. Oracle Database remains a direct competitor due to its extensive use in enterprise environments and market dominance. Microsoft SQL Server offers comprehensive solutions that integrate well with other Microsoft products; IBM Db2 focuses on scalability and performance for large-scale workloads; while PostgreSQL provides a flexible and cost-effective open-source alternative adopted across various industries.

Tibero's unique advantages lie in its seamless compatibility with Oracle Database applications and its comprehensive suite of tools designed for enterprise needs. This makes it an appealing option for organizations looking to transition smoothly from Oracle without significant disruption or modification efforts while potentially lowering licensing costs. The platform targets enterprises seeking robust data management solutions that can optimize their IT infrastructure effectively without sacrificing functionality or performance standards essential for critical business processes.

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