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TiDB is an open-source distributed NewSQL database designed to support hybrid transactional and analytical processing (HTAP), combining the scalability of NoSQL databases with the performance and consistency of traditional relational database management systems (RDBMS). Its architecture features a SQL layer known as TiKV for query processing and a distributed Key-Value store, operating similarly to traditional MySQL systems. Using the Raft consensus algorithm, TiDB ensures strong consistency for ACID transactions across all nodes while facilitating scalability for cloud-native applications. It effectively manages both online transaction processing (OLTP) and online analytical processing (OLAP) within a single system, removing the necessity for separate databases for different functions.

Created by PingCAP in 2015 to address modern cloud-native application requirements, TiDB integrates NoSQL's scalability with RDBMS's performance and consistency. The company developed it specifically to enable HTAP capabilities in a distributed environment, continuously enhancing the platform thanks to its growing community of users and contributors within the open-source ecosystem. This combination allows TiDB to offer scalable solutions without compromising on strong consistency or high performance, making it suitable for complex data processing applications.

TiDB distinguishes itself from competitors such as CockroachDB, Google Spanner, and VoltDB through its unique feature set that caters specifically to modern cloud-native environments needing HTAP capabilities. Unlike CockroachDB's focus on horizontal scalability or Google Spanner’s global distribution features, TiDB simplifies database management by integrating OLTP and OLAP in one unified system. While VoltDB emphasizes high-speed in-memory transaction processing for real-time applications, TiDB offers a more comprehensive solution balancing performance, scalability, and consistency through its use of Raft consensus algorithm and distributed Key-Value store architecture. This design makes it an adaptable choice across diverse industries requiring agile yet reliable data solutions.

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