Specializing in backend web development utilizing .NET and game development with Unity3D, the candidate employs creative solutions and agile methodologies such as Scrum, Kanban, and Lean. Their expertise includes assisting clients in problem-solving, backlog prioritization, and streamlining development processes.
The candidate’s career in technology commenced three years ago in a consultancy environment serving banking sector clients, with an initial focus on Java and Spring Boot. Rapidly advancing, they gained proficiency in cloud technologies (AWS), Docker, CI/CD pipelines, and observability tools, and utilized project management tools like Jira. They have also worked extensively with code analysis tools (SonarQube and Fortify), messaging systems (Kafka), and engaged in unit and mutation testing using JUnit and PiTest.
In the past two years, their focus has shifted to the .NET framework, working with ORMs such as EntityFramework and Dapper in conjunction with AWS and Azure DevOps. They have performed code reviews to improve team code quality and have explored new design patterns like CQRS and clean architectures. Their skills further include advanced management of code repositories (Git, SVN, GitLab), newer messaging systems (RabbitMQ), and various testing suites (xUnit, Bogus, FakeItEasy, Moq). Their project experience encompasses monolithic systems, microservices architectures, and extensive API utilization.
The candidate possesses a degree in Systems Analysis and Development and an EF SET English Certificate with a score of 70/100, indicating C1 Advanced level proficiency.