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Kaio R.
Front-end UX Engineer

React Native
Amazon Aws
Google Cloud
Docker Cloud

Senior Software Engineer with over six years of experience in web and mobile development, proficient in JavaScript, TypeScript, Node, React, React Native, HTML, and CSS. Demonstrates expertise in executing projects within agile frameworks and thrives in collaborative environments. Holds comprehensive knowledge in engineering principles and application architecture, coupled with proven leadership capabilities. Experienced in managing high-complexity and high-traffic projects, consistently focusing on optimizing performance and scalability for both legacy and new products.

  • Full Stack Developer
    7/1/2021 - Present

    Developed extensive technical expertise in Javascript/Typescript, leveraging advanced frameworks such as React and Node for front-end and back-end development. Demonstrated strong competencies in testing using Jest and Cypress, while maintaining code quality and reliability with SonarQube. Utilized comprehensive AWS services including S3, Lambda, Cloudfront, and Cloudformation for scalable solutions. Expertise in event sourcing, with effective use of databases such as MongoDB, MySQL, and Redis, and search platforms like Typesense. Employed Nginx for web server management and Vercel for deployment.

    Orchestrated the deployment of the internal development team by integrating version control with Git and GitHub, ensuring robust monitoring with Sentry, and using Docker for streamlined development environments. Implemented continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) practices and established best practices in code review.

    Engineered a sophisticated real estate platform by adding new features and managing high user traffic. Spearheaded the creation of v2 of the API using TypeScript and Node.js Express, and successfully migrated the frontend to interact with dual APIs. Enhanced transaction processing by integrating the checkout with the Vindi gateway.

    Developed and launched a whitelabel campaign management platform, significantly optimizing deployment processes to enable partner onboarding within one day.

    Designed and implemented a chatbot integrated with WhatsApp, contributing to 8% of monthly lead revenue. Utilized Botpress for flow development and deployed the solution on an AWS EC2 instance, ensuring robust and reliable service delivery.

  • Full Stack Developer
    11/1/2020 - 7/1/2021

    Developed and honed technical expertise in Javascript/Typescript, Java, React, React Native, Node.js, and Sequelize. Utilized frameworks like SpringBoot and integrated messaging systems with RabbitMQ, optimizing search functionalities using Elastic Search and enabling efficient data querying with GraphQL. Leveraged AWS services, such as EC2, S3, and Lambda for scalable and reliable deployments. Proficient in database management with MySQL and demonstrated capability in performance testing with JMeter, coupled with monitoring and visualization using Grafana.

    In a notable project, the MVP Easy Delivery, significantly refactored the order service using the CQRS pattern, splitting the order model for efficient reading and writing operations. Integrated the microservice architecture with RabbitMQ, establishing a robust worker system to handle asynchronous tasks. Enhanced the application's performance by optimizing the reverse proxy configuration with Nginx, resulting in substantial improvements in order creation time. Conducted thorough load testing using JMeter to ensure system resilience under high demand. Developed a rating microservice to complement the existing infrastructure and refactored the reporting service to improve data accuracy and reporting efficiency.

  • Development Analyst II
    3/1/2018 - 11/1/2020

    Developed significant technical expertise in TypeScript, Java, ADVPL, Python, React, NodeJS, Express, and Jest. Worked extensively with Nginx, JMeter, TypeORM, SonarQube, KeyCloak, and AWS services including S3, EKS, RDS with Oracle, DynamoDB, CloudFormation, Route53, API Gateway, Elastic Beanstalk, and CloudWatch.

    Contributed to the Winthor Anywhere Platform by participating in discovery and technical discussions, developing microservices for billing and sales using CQRS, performing unit and load testing with JMeter, and providing comprehensive documentation with Swagger. Successfully maintained and corrected legacy products, leading to a reduction in backlog for Delphi and Java projects, improving stock control and project compilation, and implementing routines for specific product access.

    Centralized the control of support and consulting hours through the development of a platform with a Node.js and Express backend supported by MySQL and Cognito, and a React frontend utilizing Redux and Material UI. Achieved implementation in record time, garnering positive feedback for efficiency and functionality.

  • Development Analyst
    7/1/2014 - 2/1/2018

    Developed proficiency in Java, focusing on both development and bug fixing for several key systems. Extensive work on Java-based routines to enhance performance in cost center, financial, and sales force applications. Demonstrated capabilities in Delphi for system improvements, including customized report development and technical consulting. Played a significant role in the development of version 1 of a sales force app for Android, utilizing Java to implement new features and corrections. Participated in the implantation, training, and support processes for comprehensive systems such as SGA, SGR, SGFA, and SGI, optimizing system configurations to meet specific customer requirements. Showcased expertise in data modeling to create and maintain precise reports and metrics, ultimately improving overall system performance.

  • Information Systems at Alves Faria College - UniAlfa
    2010 - 2014

Kaio is available for hire

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