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Pedro L.
Full-stack Product Engineer

Amazon Aws

Currently enrolled in a Bachelor's program in Computer Engineering at CESUPA, this candidate is actively involved with the Assertive Technology Study Group (GETA), concentrating on web development. In the capacity of a Junior Developer 2, the role encompasses the development of new functionalities and the maintenance of existing systems.

The candidate's expertise is in back-end development with a focus on cloud architecture, utilizing various AWS technologies such as SQS, Lambda, SNS, API Gateway, RDS, S3, Step Functions, and DynamoDB. Proficiency in JavaScript technologies is evident through the use of Node.js, Jest, React.js, and React Native. Additionally, there is extensive experience with Database Management Systems, including Postgres, MySQL, and DynamoDB.

  • Junior Back End Developer
    4/1/2023 - Present

    Worked in the integration team responsible for maintaining communication between microservices within the system, centralizing communication and efficiently returning data to requesting clients. Utilized AWS technologies, including messaging systems such as SQS and SNS, AWS Step Functions, and AWS Lambda functions. Developed a strong understanding of cloud-based infrastructure for seamless service integration and message handling.

  • Internship
    4/1/2021 - 4/1/2023

    Developed and maintained new and existing system features, with a focus on integrating system microservices. Provided developer support and client interaction, ensuring smooth communication and troubleshooting. Utilized cloud technologies, particularly AWS, for deployment and infrastructure management. Employed system monitoring tools, including Grafana, to ensure system reliability and performance.

  • Computer Engineering at Cesupa - University Center of the State of Pará
    2020 - 2025

Pedro is available for hire

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