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Fastify is a high-performance application framework for Node.js, specifically crafted to optimize web server creation. It leverages JavaScript features to enhance performance, including schema-based data validation, efficient route handling, and reduced middleware overhead. Fastify supports both synchronous and asynchronous handlers, facilitating rapid development without sacrificing speed. Additionally, it integrates with plugins to offer additional functionalities.

The framework was developed by Matteo Collina and Tomas Della Vedova, prominent figures in the Node.js community. Aimed at addressing the need for a performant solution in building web servers with Node.js, Fastify emphasizes efficiency through its foundational features like schema-based validations and minimal middleware operations. Its dual support for synchronous and asynchronous handlers ensures flexibility while maintaining high performance levels.

In comparison to other Node.js frameworks such as Express, Koa, and Hapi—all of which have their own strengths—Fastify distinguishes itself with its focus on speed and efficiency. By utilizing comprehensive JavaScript components such as schema-based data validation and optimized routing while minimizing middleware overheads, it offers a streamlined development experience. The ability to integrate seamlessly with plugins enhances its appeal further by providing extra functionalities that cater both to beginners seeking simplicity and experienced developers emphasizing customization in their workflows.

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