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Languageline Solutions

LanguageLine Solutions offers interpretation and translation services using advanced translation software that enables real-time communication through phone calls or video conferencing. The company supports over 240 languages and dialects across various industries, including healthcare, government, insurance, and customer service. Additionally, LanguageLine provides cultural competency training to enhance professionals' ability to communicate effectively in multicultural settings.

Founded by Dr. Louis Provenzano in 1982, the company was created to address the need for effective communication among individuals of diverse linguistic backgrounds. Under Provenzano's leadership, LanguageLine has grown into a leading provider in the language services industry. Their core mission is to bridge language barriers and support understanding across different sectors through their comprehensive range of services.

LanguageLine Solutions distinguishes itself through its extensive network of interpreters and innovative translation technology. Offering real-time communication solutions and cultural competency training, the company is committed to enhancing cross-cultural interactions within professional settings. These attributes provide significant competitive advantages that help LanguageLine maintain its leadership position amidst competitors like TheBigWord and Stratus Video in facilitating effective multilingual communication.

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