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Thymeleaf is a server-side Java template engine designed to create dynamic web pages by integrating with server-side processing. It supports HTML5 and XML files and works seamlessly with Spring frameworks through unique dialects, offering a natural templating approach that allows designers to work on templates easily while maintaining powerful server-side logic. Thymeleaf's features include internationalization support, enabling the generation of language-specific content from the same templates without scriptlets.

Created by Daniel Fernández as an open-source alternative to JSP or Velocity, Thymeleaf was developed with a focus on natural template creation and seamless Spring integration. It aims to provide an easier-to-use and more designer-friendly approach compared to traditional templating systems while preserving robust server-side processing capabilities. Thymeleaf's ability to render templates in browsers without requiring scriptlets for content-dependent markup generation makes it ideal for collaborative efforts between developers and designers.

Thymeleaf distinguishes itself from other templating systems like JSP, Apache Velocity, FreeMarker, and Mustache through its natural template design, smooth Spring integration, and support for HTML5/XML files along with internationalization features. Unlike JSP's complex syntax involving scriptlets, Thymeleaf encourages user-friendly templates that are easy for designers yet powerful enough for developers. Its dialects allow additional functionalities tailored specifically for Spring applications. These characteristics make Thymeleaf a competitive choice in modern Java web development projects that demand both functionality and ease of use.

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