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Tiller Money

Tiller Money is a budgeting software that integrates bank accounts, credit cards, and financial transactions into a single Google Sheets spreadsheet. It offers features like customizable reports, daily transaction updates, investment tracking dashboards, and debt payoff planners. The platform supports both manual data entry and automated feeds from numerous financial institutions, providing templates for different personal finance requirements to make budgeting efficient and accessible.

Founded by Peter Pollyea and Edward J Barrett in 2014, Tiller Money was created to streamline financial tracking and budget management through the power of spreadsheets and automation. The founders aimed to simplify the process for individuals and households by offering tools that enhance financial tracking capabilities in a user-friendly format. This vision led to the development of features such as customizable reports, daily updates on transactions, investment dashboards, debt payoff planners, manual data entry options alongside automated feeds from over 20,000 institutions.

Competitors like Mint, YNAB (You Need a Budget), Personal Capital, and Quicken also offer robust financial management tools but differ in their approach. While Mint provides automated budget categorization and YNAB focuses on proactive budgeting techniques; Personal Capital excels in investment tracking whereas Quicken offers comprehensive management tools. Tiller Money stands out with its Google Sheets integration allowing users familiar with spreadsheets more control over their finances while offering flexibility through both manual entries and automated feeds. Customizable reports along with various templates for personalized finance needs further elevate Tiller Money's appeal among users looking for an adaptable solution for managing their budgets effectively.

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