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Generative AI Tools Software and Tools

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Generative AI Tools

Generative AI tools refer to advanced software and algorithms that utilize artificial intelligence techniques, particularly machine learning and deep learning, to create content autonomously. These tools can generate a wide range of outputs, including text, images, audio, and video, by learning patterns from large datasets. Examples include language models like GPT-3 for text generation, GANs (Generative Adversarial Networks) for image creation, and various music composition algorithms. By leveraging these technologies, generative AI tools can produce novel and high-quality content that mimics human creativity, offering vast potential in fields such as entertainment, design, customer service, and beyond.


AI Dungeon

AI Dungeon is an interactive storytelling game that uses artificial intelligence to generate dynamic narratives. It allows users to create and explore unique adventures by typing commands, which the AI then responds to, creating a collaborative and immersive storytelling experience.

AI Gahaku

AI Gahaku is an AI-driven tool that transforms photos into classical-style portraits, mimicking the techniques of historical painters to create artistic renditions of images.

AI Painter

AI Painter is a technology that uses artificial intelligence to create or enhance visual art. It can generate paintings, drawings, and other forms of artwork by analyzing patterns and styles from existing art pieces, allowing users to produce high-quality images with minimal manual effort.


AIVA, or Artificial Intelligence Virtual Artist, is a technology that composes music using artificial intelligence. It creates original musical pieces in various genres and styles by analyzing patterns and structures in existing music.

AWS Transcribe

AWS Transcribe is a cloud-based service that converts speech into text using advanced machine learning algorithms. It supports transcription for a wide range of audio formats and languages, providing accurate and scalable speech-to-text capabilities for applications such as transcribing customer service calls, generating subtitles for videos, and creating searchable text from audio content.


Artbreeder is an online platform that leverages generative adversarial networks (GANs) to create and modify images. Users can blend images, adjust parameters, and generate new visuals by combining different attributes, making it a powerful tool for artists and designers.

Artbreeder Splicer

Artbreeder Splicer is a generative AI tool that enables users to create and modify images by blending different visual elements. It allows for the combination of various images to produce unique, high-quality artwork through an intuitive interface.


Artisto is a mobile application that applies artistic filters to videos, transforming them into stylized artworks using neural networks and artificial intelligence.

AssemblyAI Speech Recognition

AssemblyAI Speech Recognition is a technology that converts spoken language into written text, enabling applications to transcribe audio files, recognize speech in real-time, and extract insights from audio content.

Avatar AI

Avatar AI is a technology that uses artificial intelligence to create, animate, or enhance digital avatars. It generates realistic or stylized representations of individuals for use in virtual environments, video games, social media, and other digital platforms.


Avatarify is a software tool that uses artificial intelligence to animate static images in real-time, allowing users to create realistic facial movements and expressions on photos or avatars.



BigGAN is a generative adversarial network designed to create high-quality, realistic images by learning from large datasets. It achieves this through a combination of advanced neural network architectures and training techniques, producing images that are often indistinguishable from real photographs.


Carnegie Mellon OpenPose

Carnegie Mellon OpenPose is an open-source tool that detects and tracks human body, hand, facial, and foot keypoints in real-time using deep learning techniques. It provides detailed pose estimation by identifying and mapping the coordinates of these keypoints from images or video inputs.


ClipDrop is a technology that allows users to capture, edit, and integrate real-world objects into digital environments using augmented reality. It facilitates the seamless transfer of images and objects from the physical world to various digital platforms, enhancing productivity and creativity.

Coqui TTS

Coqui TTS is a text-to-speech technology that converts written text into spoken words using advanced machine learning models, enabling natural-sounding voice synthesis for various applications.


Creatomate is a generative AI tool designed to automate the creation of visual content. It allows users to generate images, videos, and animations using pre-defined templates and dynamic data inputs, streamlining the content production process.



D-ID is a technology that specializes in creating realistic digital avatars and videos using artificial intelligence. It enhances privacy by anonymizing faces in photos and videos, making it difficult to trace or identify individuals while maintaining the visual integrity of the media.

Deep Dream Generator

Deep Dream Generator is a generative AI tool that uses neural networks to transform images by enhancing patterns and creating dream-like, surreal visuals. It works by iteratively modifying the input image to emphasize certain features, producing artistic and often abstract results.

Deep Motion Animate AI

Deep Motion Animate AI is a technology that uses artificial intelligence to create realistic animations. It automates the animation process by capturing motion data and transforming it into lifelike movements for characters in digital content.


DeepArt is a technology that uses deep learning algorithms to transform photos into artwork by applying the styles of famous artists. It leverages neural networks to analyze and reinterpret images, producing visually striking artistic renditions.


DeepFaceLab is a deep learning software used for creating deepfakes by swapping faces in videos. It employs neural networks to generate realistic face replacements, enabling users to manipulate visual content effectively.

DeepMind AlphaFold

DeepMind AlphaFold is an advanced AI system designed to predict protein structures with high accuracy, aiding in biological and medical research by providing insights into protein folding and function.

DeepMind AlphaStar

DeepMind AlphaStar is an AI technology developed by DeepMind to play the real-time strategy game StarCraft II at a professional level, demonstrating advanced strategic planning and decision-making capabilities.

DeepMind Kinetics-700

DeepMind Kinetics-700 is a large-scale video dataset designed for human action recognition. It contains 700,000 video clips spanning 700 different human activities, aiding in the development and training of machine learning models for video analysis and understanding.

DeepMind Regressor

DeepMind Regressor is a machine learning tool designed to predict continuous values by analyzing patterns in data. It uses advanced algorithms to model relationships between input features and target outcomes, providing accurate predictions for various applications such as finance, healthcare, and engineering.

DeepMind WaveNet

DeepMind WaveNet is a generative model for creating raw audio waveforms. It produces high-quality, realistic human-like speech and can generate other types of audio, such as music and sound effects.

DeepMotion Animate 3D

DeepMotion Animate 3D is a technology that converts 2D videos into 3D animations, enabling users to create lifelike 3D character animations from simple video inputs.


DeepSwap is a technology that utilizes deep learning algorithms to swap faces in videos or images, creating realistic and seamless transformations. It can be used for various applications, including entertainment, content creation, and digital effects.


Designify is a technology or service that automates the design process, using AI to create and enhance visual content. It simplifies tasks such as background removal, image enhancement, and layout optimization, enabling users to produce professional-quality designs quickly and efficiently.

Dlib Face Recognition

Dlib Face Recognition is a machine learning library that provides tools for face detection and recognition. It uses deep learning techniques to identify and verify faces in images with high accuracy, making it useful for applications such as security systems, identity verification, and image tagging.


DreamStudio is a generative AI tool that allows users to create and manipulate digital content, such as images, videos, and text, using advanced machine learning algorithms. It provides a platform for artists, designers, and content creators to enhance their creative processes through AI-driven capabilities.



Ebsynth is a tool that allows users to convert video frames into stylized animations by applying the style of a single hand-painted keyframe across the entire sequence. It leverages advanced algorithms to maintain consistency and detail in the resulting animation. is a generative AI tool that creates realistic AI-generated videos from text, allowing users to produce professional video content without the need for cameras or actors.


Facebook BYOL (Bootstrap Your Own Latent)

Facebook BYOL (Bootstrap Your Own Latent) is a self-supervised learning approach for training neural networks without labeled data. It leverages a dual-network architecture to bootstrap representations, enabling the model to learn useful features from unlabeled data by predicting the output of one network using another.

Facebook CPC (Contrastive Predictive Coding)

Facebook CPC (Contrastive Predictive Coding) is a self-supervised learning technique developed by Facebook AI that aims to learn useful representations from high-dimensional data, such as images or audio, without relying on labeled data. It works by predicting future observations in a latent space and contrasting them with negative samples, thereby capturing essential features and patterns in the data.

Facebook ConvNeXt

Facebook ConvNeXt is a convolutional neural network architecture designed to improve performance and efficiency in computer vision tasks. It leverages modern design principles and techniques to achieve state-of-the-art results in image classification, object detection, and segmentation.

Facebook DeepFace

Facebook DeepFace is a deep learning facial recognition system developed by Facebook. It identifies and verifies human faces in digital images with high accuracy by mapping facial features and comparing them to a database of known faces.

Facebook Detectron2

Facebook Detectron2 is an open-source software system developed by Facebook AI Research for object detection and segmentation tasks. It provides a robust platform for training and deploying state-of-the-art computer vision models, enabling users to detect objects, classify images, and perform image segmentation with high accuracy.

Facebook Mask R-CNN

Facebook Mask R-CNN is a deep learning framework designed for object instance segmentation. It extends Faster R-CNN by adding a branch for predicting segmentation masks on each Region of Interest, enabling the identification and precise delineation of objects within an image.

Facebook MaskFormer

Facebook MaskFormer is a computer vision model designed for image segmentation tasks. It unifies the processes of instance and semantic segmentation, enabling it to identify and delineate objects and regions within an image with high accuracy.

Facebook MoCo (Momentum Contrast)

Facebook MoCo (Momentum Contrast) is a self-supervised learning framework designed for visual representation learning. It leverages contrastive learning techniques to train models without labeled data, enabling the creation of robust image representations by contrasting positive and negative pairs of images.

Facebook OmniPose

Facebook OmniPose is a computer vision technology designed to accurately detect and track human poses in real-time. It utilizes advanced machine learning algorithms to analyze body movements and positions, enabling applications in augmented reality, fitness tracking, and interactive gaming.

Facebook PWC-Net

Facebook PWC-Net is a deep learning model designed for optical flow estimation. It predicts the motion between consecutive video frames by analyzing pixel displacements, enabling applications such as video stabilization, motion detection, and frame interpolation.

Facebook RAFT (Recurrent All-Pairs Field Transforms)

Facebook RAFT (Recurrent All-Pairs Field Transforms) is a deep learning model designed for optical flow estimation. It processes pairs of images to predict the motion of pixels between them, providing highly accurate and dense flow fields.

Facebook ResNet

Facebook ResNet, or Residual Network, is a deep learning model designed for image recognition tasks. It introduces residual learning to address the vanishing gradient problem, enabling the training of very deep neural networks by allowing layers to learn residual functions with reference to the layer inputs. This architecture significantly improves accuracy and performance in computer vision applications.

Facebook SlowFast

Facebook SlowFast is a video understanding model that processes videos at multiple frame rates to capture both fast and slow motion actions, enhancing the accuracy of action recognition tasks.

Facebook SlowFast R-CNN

Facebook SlowFast R-CNN is a deep learning framework designed for video understanding tasks. It processes video frames at different temporal resolutions, combining slow pathways for capturing spatial semantics and fast pathways for motion dynamics, enhancing the accuracy of action recognition and object detection in videos.

Facebook Swin Transformer

Facebook Swin Transformer is a type of deep learning model designed for computer vision tasks. It utilizes a hierarchical architecture with shifted windows to efficiently process images, enabling high performance in tasks such as image classification, object detection, and segmentation.

Facebook TimeSformer

Facebook TimeSformer is a video transformer model that processes and analyzes video data by capturing temporal and spatial information, enabling tasks such as action recognition and video classification.

Facebook UNet

Facebook UNet is a neural network architecture designed for image segmentation tasks. It excels in identifying and delineating objects within images, making it useful for applications in medical imaging, autonomous driving, and other areas requiring precise image analysis.

Facebook Vid2Vid

Facebook Vid2Vid is a generative AI technology that converts video inputs into high-quality video outputs. It uses advanced algorithms to enhance, transform, or create new video content based on the given input data.



Genmo is a generative AI tool that creates multimedia content, including text, images, and videos, by leveraging advanced machine learning algorithms. It enables users to produce high-quality digital media efficiently and creatively.

Google 3D ResNet

Google 3D ResNet is a deep learning model designed for video analysis. It extends the ResNet architecture to process three-dimensional data, allowing it to capture temporal and spatial features in video frames for tasks such as action recognition and video classification.

Google AudioLM

Google AudioLM is a generative AI model designed to produce high-quality, coherent audio, including music and speech, from short audio samples. It uses machine learning techniques to understand and replicate the nuances of sound, enabling the creation of realistic audio content.

Google AutoVideo

Google AutoVideo is a technology that automates the creation of videos by using AI to analyze and compile multimedia content, such as images, video clips, and music. It leverages machine learning algorithms to generate coherent and engaging video presentations with minimal human intervention.

Google C3D

Google C3D is a cloud-based 3D modeling and rendering service that enables users to create, manipulate, and visualize three-dimensional objects and scenes. It leverages Google's cloud infrastructure to provide scalable computational power for complex 3D tasks.

Google Conformer-CTC

Google Conformer-CTC is a speech recognition model that combines convolutional and transformer neural network architectures. It enhances the accuracy and efficiency of transcribing spoken language into text by capturing long-range dependencies and local features within audio signals.

Google DeepDream

Google DeepDream is a computer vision program created by Google that uses a convolutional neural network to enhance and modify images, often producing dream-like, abstract visuals by amplifying patterns and features within the images.

Google DeepLabCut

Google DeepLabCut is a technology for markerless pose estimation that leverages deep learning to analyze and track animal movements with high precision. It enables researchers to automatically annotate video frames, facilitating detailed behavioral studies without the need for physical markers on subjects.

Google DeepLabV3

Google DeepLabV3 is a deep learning model for semantic image segmentation. It identifies and classifies each pixel in an image, effectively distinguishing different objects and regions within the image.

Google DeepMind Gemini

Google DeepMind Gemini is an advanced artificial intelligence technology that integrates cutting-edge machine learning techniques to solve complex problems and enhance decision-making processes across various domains. It leverages deep learning algorithms to process large datasets, enabling it to perform tasks such as natural language understanding, image recognition, and predictive analytics with high accuracy.

Google DenseNet

Google DenseNet is a type of convolutional neural network architecture designed to improve the efficiency and accuracy of deep learning models. It connects each layer to every other layer in a feed-forward fashion, enhancing feature propagation, reducing the vanishing gradient problem, and enabling more efficient parameter use.

Google DensePose

Google DensePose is a technology that maps human body pixels in 2D images to a 3D surface model, enabling detailed analysis of human poses and movements. It facilitates applications in augmented reality, virtual try-ons, and motion capture by providing precise body part localization.

Google DreamBooth

Google DreamBooth is a technology that enables the creation of personalized AI models by training them with specific data. It allows users to generate unique and customized outputs based on their input parameters.

Google DreamFusion

Google DreamFusion is a generative AI technology that creates 3D models from textual descriptions. It leverages advanced neural networks to translate text inputs into detailed, realistic 3D representations.

Google Dreamfields

Google Dreamfields is a generative AI tool that creates detailed 3D scenes from text descriptions. It leverages neural networks to interpret textual input and generate corresponding visual representations, facilitating the creation of complex virtual environments without manual modeling.

Google Dreamix

Google Dreamix is a generative AI tool designed to create and edit videos. It leverages advanced machine learning algorithms to generate high-quality video content from textual descriptions, making it useful for content creators and marketers.

Google ESPNet

Google ESPNet is a deep learning framework designed for efficient neural network training and inference, particularly in edge computing environments. It focuses on providing high performance with low computational resources, making it suitable for real-time applications such as speech recognition, image processing, and natural language understanding.

Google EfficientDet

Google EfficientDet is a family of object detection models that achieve state-of-the-art accuracy with significantly fewer parameters and computational resources. It employs a compound scaling method to balance network depth, width, and resolution, optimizing performance for various applications.

Google EfficientNet

Google EfficientNet is a family of convolutional neural networks designed for image classification tasks. It achieves state-of-the-art accuracy while being computationally efficient by scaling network dimensions—depth, width, and resolution—uniformly using a compound scaling method.

Google EfficientPose

Google EfficientPose is a machine learning model designed for real-time human pose estimation. It detects and predicts the positions of key body joints from images or video, enabling applications in areas such as augmented reality, fitness tracking, and motion analysis.

Google FaceNet

Google FaceNet is a deep learning model designed for facial recognition and verification. It maps faces into a multidimensional embedding space, enabling accurate identification and comparison of facial features.

Google FacialGAN

Google FacialGAN is a generative adversarial network technology developed by Google that specializes in generating realistic human facial images. It leverages advanced machine learning algorithms to create high-quality, photorealistic faces, which can be used for various applications such as virtual avatars, digital content creation, and enhancing image quality.

Google Faster R-CNN

Google Faster R-CNN is a deep learning model designed for object detection tasks. It efficiently identifies and classifies objects within an image, providing bounding boxes around detected items.

Google Flan-T5 for Video

Google Flan-T5 for Video is a generative AI model designed to understand and generate text-based descriptions of video content. It processes video data to create accurate and contextually relevant textual summaries, captions, or narratives, enhancing accessibility and searchability of video materials.

Google Frame Interpolation

Google Frame Interpolation is a technology that generates intermediate frames between existing ones to create smoother motion in videos. It enhances video playback by increasing the frame rate, making transitions appear more fluid and reducing motion blur.

Google Imagen

Google Imagen is a generative AI tool that creates high-quality images from textual descriptions. It leverages advanced machine learning algorithms to interpret and visualize the input text, producing detailed and realistic images based on the provided descriptions.

Google InceptionV3

Google InceptionV3 is a deep learning model for image recognition and classification. It uses convolutional neural networks to identify and categorize objects within images, achieving high accuracy in tasks such as object detection and image analysis.

Google L3-Net

Google L3-Net is a neural network model designed for advanced language understanding and generation tasks. It leverages deep learning techniques to process and generate human-like text, enabling applications such as automated content creation, natural language processing, and conversational AI.

Google Magenta

Google Magenta is an open-source research project that explores the role of machine learning in the creation of art and music. It uses deep learning and reinforcement learning algorithms to generate musical compositions, create visual art, and develop new creative tools for artists.

Google MediaPipe Face Mesh

Google MediaPipe Face Mesh is a technology that provides real-time, high-fidelity face tracking. It maps 3D facial landmarks from a 2D image or video, enabling applications in augmented reality, virtual try-ons, and facial expression analysis.

Google MobileNetV3

Google MobileNetV3 is a convolutional neural network architecture designed for efficient image classification and mobile vision applications. It combines lightweight models with high accuracy, making it suitable for deployment on mobile and edge devices.

Google MoviGAN

Google MoviGAN is a generative adversarial network (GAN) technology designed to create realistic animations and videos from static images. It leverages deep learning algorithms to predict and generate motion, enabling the transformation of still photos into dynamic visual content.

Google Muse

Google Muse is a generative AI model designed to create high-quality text, images, and other media content. It leverages advanced machine learning techniques to generate creative and coherent outputs based on user inputs.

Google MusicLM

Google MusicLM is a generative AI technology that creates music from textual descriptions. It generates high-quality, coherent musical compositions based on user-provided prompts, enabling users to produce customized music without needing extensive musical knowledge or skills.

Google MusicVAE

Google MusicVAE is a generative AI model designed to create and manipulate musical sequences. It enables users to generate new music, interpolate between different musical pieces, and explore variations of existing compositions using machine learning techniques.

Google NeRF (Neural Radiance Fields)

Google NeRF (Neural Radiance Fields) is a technology that generates 3D scenes from 2D images using machine learning. It works by training neural networks to synthesize photorealistic views of complex scenes, enabling the creation of detailed 3D models from a set of input photographs.

Google OpenFace

Google OpenFace is an open-source facial recognition system that uses deep learning to identify and analyze human faces in images and videos. It provides tools for facial landmark detection, face alignment, and face verification.

Google Parti

Google Parti is a generative AI model designed for creating high-quality images based on textual descriptions. It leverages advanced machine learning techniques to interpret text inputs and generate corresponding visual content, enabling users to produce detailed and contextually accurate images from simple prompts.

Google PoseNet

Google PoseNet is a machine learning model that estimates human poses in real-time by identifying key body joints from images or video streams. It enables applications to understand and analyze human movements for various uses, such as fitness tracking, augmented reality, and interactive gaming.

Google PoseTrack

Google PoseTrack is a technology designed to track and analyze human poses in videos. It utilizes advanced machine learning algorithms to identify and follow the movement of various body parts, enabling applications in areas such as fitness training, augmented reality, and video content analysis.

Google Remake Video

Google Remake Video is a generative AI tool that allows users to create and edit videos by leveraging advanced machine learning algorithms. It automates various aspects of video production, including scene selection, transitions, and effects, enabling users to produce professional-quality videos with minimal effort.

Google SSD (Single Shot Multibox Detector)

Google SSD (Single Shot Multibox Detector) is an object detection algorithm that identifies and classifies objects within images in a single forward pass of the network, enabling real-time detection with high accuracy.

Google SegFormer

Google SegFormer is a deep learning model designed for image segmentation tasks. It efficiently partitions images into meaningful segments, enabling applications such as object detection, scene understanding, and autonomous driving.

Google SimCLR

Google SimCLR is a self-supervised learning framework designed to improve visual representation learning by maximizing agreement between differently augmented views of the same image, without requiring labeled data. It enhances the performance of models on various downstream tasks such as image classification.

Google SlowMoVideo

Google SlowMoVideo is a technology that enables users to create high-quality slow-motion videos by interpolating frames, resulting in smooth playback at reduced speeds. It enhances video content by providing detailed and fluid slow-motion effects.

Google SoundGAN

Google SoundGAN is a generative AI technology designed to create realistic audio and sound effects. It leverages deep learning models to synthesize high-quality sounds, enabling applications in various fields such as entertainment, virtual reality, and audio engineering.

Google SoundNet

Google SoundNet is a deep learning model designed to analyze and understand audio data. It processes sound clips to identify various types of sounds and their context, enabling applications such as audio recognition, scene understanding, and enhancing multimedia search capabilities.

Google SoundStream

Google SoundStream is a neural network-based technology designed for high-quality audio compression. It efficiently compresses and decompresses audio files, maintaining sound quality while reducing file size.

Google Speech-to-Text

Google Speech-to-Text is a technology that converts spoken language into written text. It uses machine learning and neural networks to transcribe audio in real-time or from pre-recorded files, supporting multiple languages and dialects.

Google StyleGAN

Google StyleGAN is a generative adversarial network technology designed to create high-quality synthetic images. It achieves this by learning from a dataset of real images and generating new, realistic images that mimic the style and features of the original data.

Google VGG-16

Google VGG-16 is a convolutional neural network model used for image recognition and classification tasks. It consists of 16 layers, including convolutional and fully connected layers, designed to extract features from images and classify them into various categories.

Google VGGish

Google VGGish is a pre-trained deep neural network model designed for audio classification tasks. It converts raw audio waveforms into embeddings, which are compact representations that capture the essential features of the audio, enabling efficient and effective analysis and classification.

Google ViT (Vision Transformer)

Google ViT (Vision Transformer) is a deep learning model designed for image recognition tasks. It leverages transformer architecture, traditionally used in natural language processing, to process and analyze visual data, achieving high accuracy in image classification and other computer vision applications.

Google VideoLM

Google VideoLM is a generative AI model designed for video content generation and manipulation. It leverages advanced machine learning techniques to create, edit, and enhance video content based on textual or visual inputs.

Google VideoPose3D

Google VideoPose3D is a technology that converts 2D video footage into 3D human pose estimations. It uses deep learning algorithms to analyze video frames and reconstruct the positions of human joints in three-dimensional space, enabling applications in animation, sports analysis, and virtual reality.

Google VoxCeleb

Google VoxCeleb is a large-scale speaker identification dataset that contains thousands of voices from celebrities extracted from YouTube videos. It is used for training and evaluating models in tasks such as speaker recognition, verification, and diarization.

Google Xception

Google Xception is a deep learning model designed for image classification tasks. It leverages depthwise separable convolutions to enhance computational efficiency while maintaining high accuracy in recognizing and categorizing images.

Google i3D

Google i3D is a technology designed to enhance interactive 3D experiences on the web, enabling developers to create immersive and high-performance 3D graphics directly in the browser without the need for additional plugins.


IBM Watson Speech-to-Text

IBM Watson Speech-to-Text is a technology that converts spoken language into written text using advanced machine learning and natural language processing algorithms. It enables applications to transcribe audio streams or recordings into accurate and readable text in real-time or batch mode.


Jasper Art

Jasper Art is a generative AI tool designed to create digital artwork. It uses advanced algorithms to generate unique and high-quality images based on user inputs, enabling artists and designers to produce creative visuals efficiently.



Kaiber is a generative AI tool designed to create high-quality visual content, including images and videos, by leveraging advanced machine learning algorithms. It allows users to input parameters and generate customized media outputs for various applications.

Kaiber Video AI

Kaiber Video AI is a technology that utilizes artificial intelligence to generate and enhance video content. It automates video production processes, including editing, effects, and scene creation, enabling users to produce high-quality videos efficiently.


Lightricks Motionleap

Lightricks Motionleap is a mobile application that allows users to animate their photos by adding motion effects, creating dynamic images from static ones. It offers tools to add elements like moving skies, water flows, and other animated effects to enhance visual storytelling.

Lightricks Photoleap

Lightricks Photoleap is a photo editing app that enables users to create and enhance images using a variety of tools, including filters, layers, blending modes, and artistic effects. It is designed for both amateur and professional photographers seeking to produce high-quality visual content on mobile devices.


LucidPix is a mobile application that allows users to create, view, and share 3D photos. It uses advanced AI technology to convert regular 2D images into immersive 3D experiences, enhancing visual content for social media and personal use.

LucidSonic Dreams

LucidSonic Dreams is a generative AI tool that synchronizes music with visual effects to create immersive audiovisual experiences. It analyzes audio input to generate corresponding visual patterns and animations, enhancing the sensory impact of music.


Lumen5 is a video creation platform that transforms text content into engaging videos using AI. It allows users to input articles, blog posts, or scripts and automatically generates video content by matching text with relevant visuals, animations, and music.



Meta AI DINO is a self-supervised vision transformer model developed by Meta AI that excels in image representation learning. It leverages self-distillation to learn meaningful features from images without requiring labeled data, enabling applications in image classification, object detection, and segmentation.

Meta DETR (DEtection TRansformers)

Meta DETR (DEtection TRansformers) is a technology that leverages transformer-based neural networks for object detection tasks. It streamlines the process of identifying and classifying objects within images, offering improved accuracy and efficiency over traditional methods.

Meta DINOv2

Meta DINOv2 is a self-supervised learning algorithm designed for computer vision tasks. It enhances image recognition and understanding by leveraging large datasets without requiring labeled data, improving the performance of models in various visual applications.

Meta FaceGAN

Meta FaceGAN is a generative adversarial network technology designed to create realistic human faces. It leverages deep learning algorithms to generate high-quality, lifelike facial images, often used in applications such as virtual avatars, digital content creation, and identity protection.

Meta InstaGAN

Meta InstaGAN is a generative adversarial network (GAN) technology that specializes in creating high-quality, realistic images based on input data. It leverages advanced machine learning algorithms to generate new images that closely resemble the training data, making it useful for tasks such as image synthesis, style transfer, and data augmentation.

Meta Learning Perceiver

Meta Learning Perceiver is a neural network model designed to efficiently process and interpret various types of data by learning from a limited amount of training examples. It utilizes meta-learning techniques to adapt quickly to new tasks, making it versatile for applications such as image recognition, natural language processing, and other complex data analysis tasks.

Meta Make-A-Scene

Meta Make-A-Scene is a generative AI tool that enables users to create detailed and realistic scenes from text descriptions. It uses advanced algorithms to transform textual input into high-quality visual content, facilitating creative tasks such as storytelling, game design, and virtual environment creation.

Meta Make-A-Video

Meta Make-A-Video is a generative AI tool that creates videos from text descriptions, enabling users to produce video content by simply inputting textual prompts.

Meta SAM (Segment Anything Model)

Meta SAM (Segment Anything Model) is a technology designed to perform image segmentation tasks. It identifies and isolates specific objects or regions within an image, allowing for precise manipulation or analysis of those segments.

Meta SEER (Self-supervised image model)

Meta SEER (Self-supervised image model) is a technology developed by Meta that leverages self-supervised learning to analyze and understand images without requiring labeled data. It enhances image recognition and processing capabilities by learning patterns and features directly from the raw data.

Meta SoundStream

Meta SoundStream is a neural audio codec developed by Meta that compresses and decompresses audio data efficiently, maintaining high sound quality at lower bitrates.

Meta SpeechBrain

Meta SpeechBrain is an open-source toolkit for speech processing. It provides tools and models for tasks such as speech recognition, speaker identification, and speech enhancement, facilitating the development of advanced speech-based applications.

Meta VideoPose

Meta VideoPose is a technology that uses advanced computer vision and machine learning algorithms to analyze and interpret human body movements in video footage. It generates accurate 3D pose estimations, enabling applications in fields such as sports analytics, physical therapy, and animation.

Meta Voicebox

Meta Voicebox is a generative AI tool designed to produce high-quality, human-like voice outputs. It leverages advanced machine learning algorithms to synthesize speech from text, enabling applications like virtual assistants, automated customer service, and content creation.

Meta Wav2Vec 2.0

Meta Wav2Vec 2.0 is a self-supervised learning model for automatic speech recognition (ASR). It processes raw audio data to generate high-quality speech transcriptions without requiring large amounts of labeled training data.

Microsoft Azure Speech

Microsoft Azure Speech is a cloud-based service that provides speech recognition, text-to-speech, and speech translation capabilities. It enables developers to integrate advanced speech processing into their applications, allowing for real-time transcription, voice commands, and multilingual communication.

Microsoft FocalNet

Microsoft FocalNet is a deep learning model designed to enhance image and video analysis by improving object detection and recognition capabilities. It leverages advanced neural network architectures to provide high accuracy in identifying and classifying objects within visual data.

Microsoft VALL-E

Microsoft VALL-E is a generative AI model designed for text-to-speech synthesis. It can produce high-quality, natural-sounding speech from textual input, enabling applications like virtual assistants, audiobooks, and accessibility tools.


MidJourney is a generative AI tool that creates high-quality images from textual descriptions. Users input descriptive text prompts, and the AI generates corresponding visual content, often used for creative and design purposes.

Mozilla DeepSpeech

Mozilla DeepSpeech is an open-source speech-to-text engine that uses deep learning techniques to convert spoken language into written text. It is designed to provide accurate and efficient transcription capabilities for various applications.

MyHeritage AI Time Machine

MyHeritage AI Time Machine is a technology that uses artificial intelligence to transform photos of individuals into historical portraits, depicting how they might have appeared in different eras and styles.

MyHeritage Deep Nostalgia

MyHeritage Deep Nostalgia is a technology that animates static photos of people, creating short video clips that simulate how they might have moved and looked if captured on video.


NVIDIA Audio2Face

NVIDIA Audio2Face is a technology that generates realistic facial animations by using AI to sync facial movements with audio input, enabling lifelike character expressions and lip-syncing in real-time.

NVIDIA BigGAN for Video

NVIDIA BigGAN for Video is a generative adversarial network designed to generate high-quality, realistic video content. It leverages deep learning algorithms to create and enhance video frames, enabling the production of visually compelling videos from minimal input data.

NVIDIA DAIN (Depth-Aware Video Frame Interpolation)

NVIDIA DAIN (Depth-Aware Video Frame Interpolation) is a technology that enhances video quality by generating intermediate frames between existing ones. It uses depth information to create smoother motion and higher frame rates, improving the viewing experience.


NVIDIA GauGAN is a generative adversarial network (GAN) model that transforms simple sketches into highly realistic images. It enables users to create photorealistic landscapes and scenes by drawing basic shapes and lines, which the AI then enhances with textures, colors, and details.


NVIDIA Jasper is a series of AI models designed for natural language processing tasks such as speech recognition. It converts spoken language into text with high accuracy, leveraging deep learning techniques to improve performance in various applications like voice assistants and transcription services.


NVIDIA NeMo is an open-source toolkit designed to facilitate the building, training, and fine-tuning of state-of-the-art conversational AI models. It supports a range of applications including automatic speech recognition (ASR), natural language processing (NLP), and text-to-speech (TTS).


NVIDIA NeRF (Neural Radiance Fields) is a technology that uses artificial intelligence to generate 3D scenes from 2D images. It reconstructs detailed and realistic 3D models by learning the light fields and geometry of the scene, enabling applications in virtual reality, gaming, and visual effects.

NVIDIA Omniverse Audio2Face

NVIDIA Omniverse Audio2Face is a technology that generates realistic facial animations from audio input. It allows users to create expressive 3D character animations by syncing lip movements and facial expressions to spoken dialogue.

NVIDIA Tacotron 2

NVIDIA Tacotron 2 is a generative AI model designed for text-to-speech synthesis. It converts written text into natural-sounding human speech using deep learning techniques.


NVIDIA WaveGlow is a generative model for audio synthesis that converts text to natural-sounding speech. It combines elements of Glow and WaveNet architectures to produce high-quality, real-time audio.


NeuralStyler is a software tool that uses artificial intelligence to apply artistic styles to videos, images, and GIFs. It transforms media content by mimicking the styles of famous artists or specific artistic techniques, enhancing visual aesthetics.


OpenAI AudioCLIP

OpenAI AudioCLIP is a technology that combines audio processing with the capabilities of CLIP (Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training). It enables the analysis and understanding of audio content by linking it with textual and visual information, facilitating tasks like audio classification, retrieval, and multimodal interaction.


OpenAI CLIP (Contrastive Language–Image Pretraining) is a neural network model that understands images and text by learning from a large dataset of internet images with corresponding captions. It can perform tasks such as image classification, object recognition, and zero-shot learning without needing task-specific training data.


OpenAI DALL-E is a generative AI model designed to create images from textual descriptions. It leverages deep learning techniques to generate highly detailed and coherent visuals based on the input text provided by users.

OpenAI GPT-4 Vision

OpenAI GPT-4 Vision is a multimodal AI model that combines text and image processing capabilities. It can understand, generate, and interpret both written content and visual information, enabling applications such as image captioning, visual question answering, and enhanced interactive experiences.

OpenAI Jukebox

OpenAI Jukebox is a neural network-based music generation tool that creates music tracks in various genres and styles, complete with vocals and lyrics. It leverages machine learning to produce high-fidelity audio by analyzing and replicating patterns in existing music.

OpenAI Whisper

OpenAI Whisper is a speech recognition technology that converts spoken language into written text, enabling accurate transcription and voice command functionalities.

OpenCV AI Kit

OpenCV AI Kit (OAK) is a hardware and software platform designed for computer vision and artificial intelligence applications. It integrates depth sensing, object detection, and image classification capabilities into a single device, enabling real-time processing at the edge. Scribe Scribe is a transcription service that uses AI to convert spoken language into written text. It facilitates note-taking by providing accurate and searchable transcriptions of meetings, lectures, and conversations.


PaddlePaddle PaddleSpeech

PaddlePaddle PaddleSpeech is a deep learning toolkit that offers advanced speech processing capabilities, including speech recognition, synthesis, and translation. It enables developers to build and deploy speech-based applications efficiently.

Pencil Sketch AI

Pencil Sketch AI is a technology that uses artificial intelligence to transform digital images into pencil sketch-style artworks. It analyzes the input image and applies algorithms to replicate the texture and appearance of hand-drawn sketches.


Pictory is an AI-driven video creation tool that transforms text-based content, such as articles or blog posts, into engaging videos. It automates the video production process by selecting relevant visuals, adding voiceovers, and incorporating text overlays, making it easy for users to create professional-quality videos without extensive editing skills.

Pika Labs

Pika Labs is a technology platform that leverages AI to enhance data analysis and visualization, providing users with advanced tools for generating insights from complex datasets.

Prome AI Video

Prome AI Video is a technology that leverages artificial intelligence to create, edit, and enhance video content. It automates various aspects of video production, such as scene detection, transitions, and effects, making the process more efficient and accessible for users without advanced editing skills.

Promethean AI

Promethean AI is an artificial intelligence tool designed to assist in the creation of virtual environments for video games and other digital media. It automates aspects of the design process, helping artists generate complex scenes more efficiently by suggesting and placing objects within the environment based on user input.

PyTorch Video

PyTorch Video is a deep learning library designed to facilitate video understanding tasks such as video classification, action recognition, and video segmentation. It provides pre-trained models, datasets, and utilities tailored for efficient video processing and analysis within the PyTorch framework.



Reface is a mobile application that uses AI-powered technology to enable users to swap faces in videos, GIFs, and images. It allows for realistic and seamless face-swapping, providing an entertaining way to create personalized content.

Runway Blur

Runway Blur is a generative AI tool designed to apply blur effects to images and videos. It uses advanced algorithms to selectively blur specific areas or entire frames, enhancing visual storytelling by focusing attention or obscuring sensitive information.

Runway Chromakey

Runway Chromakey is a tool that facilitates the removal of backgrounds from video footage, enabling users to replace them with different images or scenes. It leverages advanced AI technology to accurately identify and isolate subjects, allowing for seamless integration of new backgrounds.

Runway Gen-1

Runway Gen-1 is a generative AI tool designed for creating and editing multimedia content. It leverages advanced machine learning algorithms to generate high-quality images, videos, and audio, enabling users to produce professional-grade content with ease.

Runway Gen-2

Runway Gen-2 is a generative AI tool that enables users to create and manipulate digital content, such as images, videos, and audio, using advanced machine learning algorithms. It provides capabilities for tasks like content generation, editing, and enhancement through AI-driven processes.

Runway Green Screen

Runway Green Screen is a tool that uses AI to remove backgrounds from videos, allowing users to replace them with different visuals or effects. It simplifies the process of creating professional-quality video content without needing traditional green screen setups.

Runway Infinite Textures

Runway Infinite Textures is a generative AI tool that creates seamless, high-quality textures for various digital applications. It leverages machine learning to generate unique and customizable textures, enhancing creative workflows in design, gaming, and visual effects.

Runway Light Video

Runway Light Video is a generative AI tool designed for creating and editing videos. It leverages advanced machine learning algorithms to enable users to generate high-quality video content, automate editing tasks, and enhance visual effects efficiently.

Runway Text to 3D

Runway Text to 3D is a generative AI tool that converts textual descriptions into three-dimensional models. It leverages advanced algorithms to interpret text input and generate corresponding 3D visualizations, enabling users to create detailed 3D assets from simple written prompts.

Runway Text to Video

Runway Text to Video is a generative AI tool that converts textual descriptions into video content. It leverages advanced machine learning models to interpret text inputs and generate corresponding video sequences, enabling users to create visual media without traditional video production processes.


Stable Diffusion

Stable Diffusion is a generative AI technology that creates high-quality images from textual descriptions. It leverages advanced machine learning models to interpret and visualize text inputs, producing detailed and coherent visual content.


Synthesia is a generative AI tool that creates realistic video content by synthesizing human-like avatars and speech from text input. It enables users to produce high-quality videos without the need for cameras, actors, or studios.

Synthesia Text to Video

Synthesia Text to Video is a generative AI tool that converts written text into high-quality video content. It enables users to create videos featuring realistic avatars that speak the provided text, streamlining the video production process without the need for cameras, actors, or studios.


Topaz Video Enhance AI

Topaz Video Enhance AI is a software tool that uses artificial intelligence to upscale and enhance the quality of video footage. It improves resolution, sharpens details, and reduces noise, making low-quality videos appear clearer and more detailed.



VEED.IO is an online video editing platform that allows users to create, edit, and share videos easily. It offers a range of tools for trimming, cropping, adding subtitles, applying filters, and incorporating various effects to enhance video content.



Wav2Lip is a deep learning-based technology that synchronizes lip movements in videos with any given audio, ensuring realistic and accurate lip-syncing. It can be used to enhance dubbing, create realistic animations, and improve video editing processes.

Wombo Dream

Wombo Dream is a generative AI tool that creates digital artwork from textual descriptions. Users input prompts, and the AI generates unique and visually appealing images based on those descriptions.

Wonder AI Art Generator

Wonder AI Art Generator is a technology that uses artificial intelligence to create artwork. It transforms text prompts or inputs into visually appealing images, allowing users to generate unique art pieces without manual drawing or design skills.



YOLO, which stands for "You Only Look Once," is a real-time object detection system that identifies and classifies objects within an image or video frame in a single evaluation. It achieves high-speed performance by processing the entire image at once, rather than breaking it into parts, making it suitable for applications requiring rapid object detection.