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Figma is a web-based design and prototyping tool tailored for interface design, facilitating real-time collaboration among multiple designers on the same project simultaneously. It offers features such as live device previewing, cloud storage, in-design commenting, version history tracking, and user testing spaces. These capabilities position Figma as an all-in-one collaborative platform for various industries. Created by Dylan Field and Evan Wallace to improve the efficiency of the design collaboration process, Figma addresses limitations found in existing design tools and aims to revolutionize how design teams work together.

Figma's unique features include real-time collaboration that allows simultaneous work by multiple designers with immediate visibility of changes. The live device previewing enables instant viewing of designs across different devices. Cloud storage ensures seamless document and asset access while commenting within designs facilitates efficient feedback sharing. Version history tracking allows users to revisit previous iterations easily, enhancing iterative processes alongside user testing capabilities. Its vector networks engine supports high-fidelity graphics suitable for artists while offering code-like functionalities beneficial for developers—making it versatile for diverse user needs within a team.

In the competitive landscape of design and prototyping tools, Figma stands out with its real-time collaboration feature that promotes efficient teamwork and streamlined processes unmatched by competitors like Adobe XD, Sketch, and InVision. While these competitors also offer robust features catering to different aspects of the design workflow—such as integration with other Adobe products (Adobe XD), intuitive vector editing (Sketch), or interactive mockups (InVision)—Figma’s combination of cloud accessibility, live previews, integrated feedback collection tools, version history tracking alongside its comprehensive support system for both artists and developers sets it apart. This versatility makes Figma appealing not just to individual designers but also to entire design teams working collaboratively on complex projects across various industries.

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