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Friends+Me is a versatile social media management and content sharing tool that enables users to schedule posts across various platforms including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Medium, and Google My Business. Developed by Friends Plus Me in 2014 under the leadership of Alois Bělaška, the platform provides browser extensions for Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. These extensions streamline content sharing directly from any web page or source.

This tool distinguishes itself through its simplicity and ease of use, making it accessible to a broad range of users. Key features include team collaboration capabilities, advanced queueing options for scheduling posts efficiently, and the ability to repost evergreen content—valuable for maintaining an active social media presence. The user-friendly interface targets both individuals and businesses looking to manage their social media profiles effectively without excessive complexity.

Despite facing competition from alternatives like Buffer, Hootsuite, Sprout Social, and Later—which offer similar functionalities such as cross-platform post scheduling and analytics tracking—Friends+Me stands out with its affordable pricing model. Its focus on simplicity via browser extensions enhances user convenience. This combination of affordability and functionality makes Friends+Me an attractive option for a diverse audience ranging from novice social media users to professional managers seeking an efficient solution for managing multiple social networks simultaneously.

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